7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self by Swami Mukundananda
18 Jan, 2021
In this book, Swami Mukundananda explains the 7 divine laws in an easily graspable manner
Why are personal growth and life transformation so difficult? Does Creation wish that we fail? Of course not! The purpose behind the Universe's grand design is to make us succeed. Our own unawareness of the laws of the Universe creates the impediment. Just as physical phenomena are regulated by laws, there are spiritual principles governing the journey of life as well. Knowledge of them helps us understand why success comes so easily to some but remains a struggle for others; why some are still putting on their shoes, while others have finished the race. The beauty is that, like the physical laws of nature, the divine principles governing happiness and fulfilment in life are also eternally valid. In his book, 7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self, Swami Mukundananda explains the essential divine laws in an easily graspable manner. With knowledge of the Vedic scriptures and witty anecdotes that everyone can relate to, this book will empower you to become the best version of yourself. Here is an excerpt -
We all wish to be better. The desire to awaken our best self is as natural to us as heat is to fire. No matter how good we may be, a feeling remains, ‘I must improve further. I am not yet the ideal version of myself.’
The same yearning for growth manifests in our works as well. Despite what we may have accomplished in life, an inner voice says, ‘I am yet not satisfied; I wish to do even better. I desire to be a better parent/child; a better husband/wife; a better boss/employee; a better teacher/student.’ The list is endless…
What is the source of this aspiration, and why is it such an integral part of us? Well, the yearning to grow comes from the Creator Himself. Since He is perfect, and we are His little parts, we too seek to be more godlike. That is just the way we have been made. Our soul is destined for perfection, and hence, it keeps prodding us to progress further.
The Journey to Perfection
Around us, we witness Nature incubating the evolution of carbon—in the earth’s crust—into diamond, over billions of years. In a shorter timeframe, mud evolves to grass, which is grazed by cows and transformed into milk. The milk gets converted to curds from which butter is extracted. And butter finally evolves to ghee, which gets offered on the sacred altar as a symbol of purity.
However, the creation of material products, like ghee and diamonds, is not the primary purpose of the grand scheme of the Universe. Rather, Nature’s chief objective is to nurture the evolution of all souls to super-consciousness over a continuum of lifetimes. And until we fulfil that divine plan, we cannot be content. The nudging of our soul was scripted in us by our Creator, to ensure we keep striving ever forward. It will only quieten when we manifest the infinite potential latent in us.
The Dilemma We Face
The problem is not that we do not want perfection. The problem is that we strive for it year after year, but do not achieve success. This is our predicament. We aspire to reach the stars but find ourselves glued to our lower instincts. We have our head in the sky but our feet on the earth.
Why are personal growth and life transformation so difficult? Does Creation wish us to fail? Of course not! The purpose behind the Universe’s grand design is to make us succeed. Our own unawareness of the laws of the Universe creates the impediment. Growth and accomplishment are the fruits of knowledge, not ignorance. Consider this example:
There was a billboard advertisement picturing a snarling dog and a smug cat. The dog had the most ferocious expression on its face and was trying to pounce on the cat. Yet, just a whisker away, the feline sat blissfully unperturbed and even amused.
The caption of the advertisement read: The Power of Knowledge!
The dog was leashed; it could only bark and growl within the periphery of its tether. And the cat was aware of the simple fact: ‘The dog does not have the power to breach its leash. If I stay outside its circle, I am safe.’
Knowledge of the ‘Law of the Leash’ had bestowed freedom and peace of mind to the cat. If such a trivial piece of knowledge could make such a big difference, then what might be said of the benefits of knowing the laws of the Universe?
The Universal Laws of Life
We all know that water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. So, we are not surprised to see it remain liquid at ninety-five degrees centigrade. Nor are we astonished to see it evaporate on reaching boiling point, for this conforms to the physical laws of the universe. These laws of nature govern the phenomena of electricity, magnetism, gravity, health, light, and the like.
We humans too create laws for the regulation of society. These man-made laws get instituted one day and can be repealed in future. However, Nature’s laws are different. They are eternally valid irrespective of time, place, and circumstance. For example, whether we jump off the Qutub Minar or the Eiffel Tower, in both places the law of gravity will bring us down with a thud. It matters little whether we are aware of the law and agree with it or not.
Like the laws regulating physical phenomena, there are also spiritual principles governing the journey of life. Knowledge of them helps us understand why success comes so easily to some but remains a struggle for others; why some are still putting on their shoes, while others have finished the race. The beauty is that like the physical laws of nature, the divine principles governing success and fulfilment in life are also valid forever.
Over the last three decades, Swami Mukundananda taught these principles to millions and seen the difference this knowledge has made to their lives. His previous books, “7 Mindsets for Success Happiness and Fulfilment,” and “The Science of Mind Management” both topped the Neilson Charts.
In this latest book, “7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self,” he discusses the seven most important divine laws of life. These precepts, which govern human existence, have been gleaned from the Vedic scriptures:
1. The Law of Infinite Potential
2. The Law of Incremental Growth
3. The Law of Beliefs
4. The Law of Happiness
5. The Law of Sublimation
6. The Law of Love
7. The Law of Mentorship
What are these laws? How can our life be enriched by their knowledge and application? This joyous journey is accomplished through the seven chapters of this book, 7 Divine Laws to Awaken Your Best Self.
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